Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Part I: Intro

For a little over a year, I’ve turned into something I never thought I would’ve become in High School. Since I started caring about how I looked every morning, unlike the comfortable (and rightfully-so) masses of peers around me, the world has turned and, proverbially, left me here: a fashion kid. Now, notice a small but very important grammatical point. “Lowercase-f” fashion is a bit of a jargon term, but in short, the distinction connotates something along the lines of “fashion that doesn’t take itself too seriously.” I’ve held off on posting these throughout the semester for the purpose of continuity; this is a complex but very enthralling universe that I unknowingly immersed myself in, losing eyeshot of light at that was the opening of the rabbit hole somewhere between throwing away of every pair of jeans I owned & starting over and my acceptance of the three-button sportcoat in today’s society (I know, super nerdy, right?).
 While the universe of “#menswear” (reads: “hashtag menswear”), or as I like to call it, “Dudes wearing clothes on the internet,” is undoubtedly minute, the scope and influence it has had on my personal development and the way I interpret culture is something I can’t imagine my life without. In the upcoming posts I will briefly discuss the origin and birth of this subculture, how it has utilized social platforms (mainly tumblr.) to develop as a subculture, the role and placement of "cool hunters" in the menswear community, the concept of heteronormativity and the idea of “masculine elegance,” and, finally, how I tend to relate everyday intersubcultural interaction back to the community of men’s clothing. I hope you (whoever you may be) enjoy.

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