Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Male/Females in Sports

Most men think that women are not physically or mentally tough to play sports. males and females are not different from each other because most sports that are offered for men is offered for women except football. I do not necessarily agree with sports as I use to sometime back but as I got older I realized women sports are just interesting as men male sports.  The only sports I used to realize women should not play was basketball because as everyone know it is a physical sport where people show lots of emotion. Most people think it is not entertaining because females cannot dunk or not as physical as men. But as I watched women basketball more it is pretty fun to watch you just cannot expect to get what you get out of men's basketball the same as women. Of course its going to be different but its still fun to watch because basketball is a fun sport and as long as women compete while playing any sport it should be fun watching them. 

According to this article girls are just as athletic as boys: 

Girls hear that boys are "naturally" stronger and faster all the time -- and it's the premise for sex-specific sports leagues starting from very young ages. But a new study reveals that the claim is actually based on a false construct: boys don't begin to generally outperform girls until puberty.
And that means that girls and boys can be well-matched rivals in many sports -- including swimming, which was the subject of research in the recent study. Researchers from Indiana University analyzed data from more than 1.9 million swim meets, registered with the organizaton USA Swimming. The meets they studied, all 50-yard freestyle events, included both boys and girls between the ages of six and 19, broken up into age groups. They found no gender difference in the performance of six to eight-year-olds and a negligible difference between 11 and 12-year-old boys and girls. Around puberty -- ages 13 to 16 -- the accelerated growth and muscle development of many boys meant they began to surpass the performance of female counterparts.

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