Monday, November 11, 2013


This blog post is going to be like a summary of this semester so far. And really only one word works for me. Guilty. Through everything we have studied, I have found that I am a victim, a contributor, a mindless bystander, and whatever to almost every single "pitfall" or trend we have seen.

I used to pride myself in not having a smart phone…and yet, here I am with a brand spanking new iPhone. And some people accuse of selling out. And I feel Guilty.

I'm willing to admit, I've done the pretend to text and walk. And does that make me a bad person? No. But I feel Guilty. Because as a class, we have stated that it's not the most "appropriate" thing to do. We should be more social and kick the anti-socialness out.

When we watched the movie about food, I got so mad. I live on a farm, and we do good things. Our chickens were so the opposite of what was shown in the movie, that they ran faster than us. But yet, I felt Guilty. I eat those foods mentioned that aren't good. I usually don't buy fresh foods and buy local. It just happens that it doesn't work out. And I shouldn't feel Guilty for going to McDonald's for a sweet tea. I'm not eating the trans fats and fries and burgers. But oh well.

I watch reality television. Not Honey Boo Boo. Not Duck Dynasty. But I enjoy the occasional Dance Moms. And I feel Guilty because I'm contributing to a cycle, and deep down it makes me feel uncomfortable. I hate that I am essentially part of the "problem."

Bottom line, I feel Guilty for absolutely no reason, but society is creating this vicious cycle of watch our shows, but wait, let's publish a study on how these shows are damaging our society.

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