Monday, November 11, 2013

Gender XYZ

I came across this article while I was going through my Flipboard and immediately thought of our discussion in class about a couple weeks ago. The article discusses how a new ruling in Germany now allows babies to be born and registered with no specific gender. This ruling takes pressure off of the parents who have to determine their newborns baby's sex immediately. It also gives the opportunity for the parents to let the child choose when they come of age. In class we talked about how society deems what is feminine and masculine. We talked about how pink is a girl’s color and blue is boy color. I believe that giving the child the option of which they want to be is the right way to go about this type of situation. In our modern day America, we are just now beginning to think about putting such a ruling in place, while Germany has given this choice to between 8,000-10,000 babies. I personally believe this ruling is an amazing step forward for all of the people that were born with a non-specified gender anatomy and were forced to grow up in a gender they did not feel right about. This article also brought up the point for adults being able to label their sex as X. Those who already struggle with their gender and have their whole life. This ruling does not include that, but hopefully this will open doors for those who are interested in that as well. Enough about what I think check out the article below.


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