Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Geeks Versus Hipsters

Before we discussed “Geek” and “Hipster” culture, it was somewhat difficult for me to distinguish the differences, after that class discussion I did some further research on the matter and found out some key differences between these two subcultures. Geeks are mostly obsessive individuals who are interested in computers, video games, and most of all, science fiction.  Fashion wise, we associate those large-framed glasses with geek culture.  Hipsters on the other hand, are mostly dismissive.  They sort through the different areas of pop culture, and find what is appealing or “cool”.  By appealing I mean, quirky.  It is almost as though geeks embrace, and hipsters dismiss.  When the term “hipster” comes to mind, I think of a snobbish individual wearing skinny jeans, sipping a craft beer, listening to Bon Iver. Although, this may not be true of all “hipsters,” it is difficult not to indulge in these hipster-hating stereotypes.  We all enjoy them.  The hipster culture is almost an epidemic.  I can’t help but laugh whenever I see the NBA post-game interviews.  The players come out wearing the big-framed, nonprescription glasses along with a number of other accessories.  It’s quite interesting, because though big-framed glasses were only associated with geeks for the longest period of time, until recently.  My question to self-proclaimed hipsters... You sift through all of the detritus of pop culture, and you pick those glasses? C’mon, man.  I believe that the “geek” culture will be here to stay, as for “hipster” culture, it will come and go, just like any other fad.  

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