Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Video Games and You

I'm a guy who likes video games. I like a weird assortment of games to be honest. Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, and Madden are just a few of the games I like to play. The game Civilization I feel was really applicable to class because of the issues that are tackled in the game. 

In Civilization, you are tasked with starting up a civilization which begins as a small tribal group. As you advance in technology and wealth, you begin to manage such things as famine, overpopulation, sanitation and other societal issues. Along side this, you look at managing a civilization in ways of diplomacy, and even war. It causes you to have to multitask and even out your resources. It causes you to think at how to best rule your civilization. 

I can see how immersion in video games could be bad but, as with anything, over indulgence is bad. 

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