Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Is the hipster a paradox?

I loved our discussion on hipsters a few weeks ago, so i wanted to write my thoughts on the subject.

As i was reading an article for class on Monday, I came across the word "hippy." I thought about it for a minute and realized teh term "hippy" was established becasue they were the trend setters of the nation bringing about a great change in life style and taste during the transition of breaking out of the 1950's and transitioning into the 1960's. They were hip. If I have learned anything in my fashion classes, it's that the 50's brought about the invention of the teenager, simply meaning that before the 50's all children were expected to behave perfectly, and did, as just little versions of adults. But with the 50's came Elvis and then the Beatles, and the teenager was born. The 60's then followed, hitting the ground running with the idea of the rebellious teenager, thus creating the "hippy."
Out of curiosity, I "googled" the term and was presented with this :

hippy1hippie [ˈhɪpɪ]
n pl -pies
a.  (esp during the 1960s) a person whose behaviour, dress, use of drugs, etc., implied a rejection of conventional values


Also wikipedia had some interesting notes on the topic:


To summerize, they state that the "hippy"or "HIPSTER" was one who rejected conevtional values, used some drugs, promoted peace, love, and anti-war movements.

However, today we often define hipsters as doings things or being involved in something before it was "cool." But low and behold! They are a paradox! Because they "hippie" has already been done and already was cool!

This brings the conclusion that in this day in age, it is extremely difficult to be origional and new, simply becasue there were millions of other generations living on this planet before any of us. Almost every trend and idea has been done and thought before. This is why we have been recycling the decades the last couple of year. No one can, actualy be a true blue hipster anymore, really. It has all been done.

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