Monday, October 14, 2013

Fight Club and our consumer society

This weekend I watched fight club for the I don't even know how many time.  This time however I watched it through the lens of this class.  Observing the movie as rhetoric through the dramatistic perspective. 
As I was examining the motifs I saw again for the first time just how well this movie argues against corporate branding. It is like the 30 rock making fun of branding while still having it to pay for the show. I watched as they broke into a computer store with an Apple logo prominently displayed and priceded to fire bomb the display. 
Fight Club goes into detail on how people buy to feel connected, trying to make their life better by buying things we dont need.
Take, for instance, the scene where our protagonist walks through his condo with an overlay of a magazine catalog. He states that we work jobs in don't like to buy things we think we need but in reality the things we own end up owning us.
I wish we could watch this in class because how well it illustrates topics discussed in class but alas some of the content makes it kind of NSFW and would probably end up with McCaulif getting into hot water.

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