Friday, September 6, 2013

Leave Miley Alone.

Some people may think I'm crazy for this post I'm about to make, but I am starting to feel bad for poor Miley, along with all the other struggling artist that started as a youngin and has now lost their way. Miley is not the first young person to shock the world with their promiscuous choices. Shes just the first to be so open about it. It think the most shocking thing about what shes doing is that her actions are not caused by some sort of mental break down (yet), but instead she is doing these things because she just doesn't care what the world is going to say about her. In her song she clearly states that "She can't stop". I think she is simply trying to live up to that. I do not agree with her tactics at all and think what she is doing is a little much, but am I going to stop liking her music or call her stupid? No, because she is giving society what it wants. She creating controversy and adding topics for the people to talk about. Would it be such a big deal if she wasn't a former Disney star? Probably not, she is just being very public with her transformation. She wants to the world to know shes not Hannah Montana and I think this is the only way she thinks she can do that. This may come from her lost childhood, which I believe is the reason most people raised in the public eye crash and burn. That is exactly the problem though is that Miley Cyrus is being raised in the public eye. Everyone and anyone can see and hear what she is saying. If anyone saw her tweet from yesterday where she called paparazzi a choice word. She again proves she doesn't care what the public thinks and is trying to evoke some type of debate or outrage in the public. My point is that many other young people are trying to find themselves and make some choice decisions on this journey. I have seen countless women at the bars "twerk" on others and also seen adults use inappropriate words on twitter. The difference is their lives are not being posted all over the internet. So I guess next time your going to bash a young star who has lost their way or still trying to find it...just remember the things you have done on your journey and maybe judgement shouldn't be passed. I do hope someone comes into her life and influences her in a positive way so that she can see that she doesn't have to parade her self around. I'm not saying I'm a supporter of Miley in any way. I'm just saying we should take it easy on her while she goes through this transformation that is so important during these years. Also I was just informed of the apology letter Miley wrote which is quite good and proves that she is educated and still involved with the world. It is possible she didn't write the letter, but I like to believe the best in people. Here is a link to the apology letter.
Miley Says Sorry.

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